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Pandan Kaya Toast Ice Cream

1 pint. Pandan, custard with toasted bread bits.
₱ 370

Kaya Toast Ice Cream (Pandan, Custard, Toasted Bread Bits)

A Philippine first: Kaya toast, the iconic Singaporean breakfast, reimagined as a delectable ice cream. A combination of the fragrant essence of pandan with the rich, creamy texture of custard and egg, topped with crunchy coconut sugar and butter toast bits.

Each bite is a delightful journey through layers of flavor, starting with the aromatic pandan that brings a hint of tropical freshness. Then, a comforting and indulgent treat from the smooth, velvety base. Finally, the crunchy bits of coconut sugar and butter toast toppings not only provide a satisfying crunch but also enhance the overall flavor profile. The coconut sugar adds a caramel-like sweetness, while the butter toast bits offer a delightful contrast in texture, making each spoonful an adventure for your taste buds.

Pandan, Cream, Coconut Milk, Bread, Eggs, White Sugar, Coconut Sugar, Xanthan Gum, Salt.

Allergen information: Contains Egg, Coconut Milk, Coconut Sugar, Dairy.


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