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Get 20% OFF New Quorn TM - Meat-Free Nuggets, Meatballs, Burgers & More

Thursday, August 30, 2018

If you are avoiding meat but still crave the delicious meat taste and texture, then why not try Quorn TM? It's now available for delivery directly to your homes.

Quorn is a healthier more sustainable alternative to animal meat, a great protein source (made of non-animal protein, with zero cholesterol, only 2% saturated fat), and significantly kinder to the environment. This is a meat delicious innovative solution for your no-meat diet! Take 20% OFF at this introductory price for this week only!

Select from these delicious options to make practically any dish you would with meat!

» See more Quorn products

products are made of Mycoprotein, a form of single-cell protein derived from fungi (the mushroom family!), that is especially produced for human consumption. The company behind it has been around since 1985, has 30 years of expertise, and has already served 3 billion cholesterol-free meals.

Try this special discount offer until September 16.


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