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Festive Roasted Salmon in Butter

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


It’s fun preparing for the holidays but admittedly it can be quite exhausting with all the preparations lined up. This recipe is a surefire way you can have a dressed up holiday dinner with a fantastic centerpiece (but the effort put in will just be our own little secret.) It’s astonishingly easy!


900 grams to 1.1 kg Salmon Whole Fillet Skin On 
3 tbsp mixed aromatic herbs for fish (or alternatively minced dill or parsley)
4 tbsp (½ stick) butter
Salt and freshly ground pepper
Lemon Slices


Choose an oven-safe skillet that will perfectly fit your salmon. A skillet is or a well seasoned cast iron pan are good choices as it will give a nice texture to the roasted fish. Alternatively, you can use a regular baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Place butter and half of the herbs in 475°F preheated oven, until butter begins to sizzle.

Season salmon with salt and pepper. Add the salmon to the pan, with skin on the top. Roast for 4 minutes. Take out of the oven and peel the skin away. The skin should peel right off. If not, try to cook it a couple of minutes longer. You can choose to leave the skin on, if you prefer.

Roast for another 3 to 5 minutes. The timing will depend on how well done you would like your salmon to be. For every half-inch of salmon, roast 4 to 6 minutes. At 4 minutes, salmon will still be a touch rare, 6 minutes will thoroughly cook it. You know that it is done when it flakes easily. With a tiny portion of the fish along the thickest part, try to pry it gently with a fork. When it flakes easily, it’s ready.

Transfer to a nice serving dish with some more herbs and round slices of lemon. Serve.


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