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Father’s Day Special: Best Deal Australian Lamb Leg

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Get the Best Deal in Metro Manila with Australian Lamb Leg at ₱399/kg
only or ₱1,195.00/piece (average 3.0 kg)!

Celebrate Father’s Day with an extra special dinner. Served with only the best quality, tender, and juicy Bone-in Lamb Leg - try it herbed, slow-roasted, or flame-grilled.Guaranteed the best deal in Metro Manila. Found a better deal? Let us know and we’ll make sure to refund you the price difference.

Delivered frozen, raw, vacuum-packed per piece (average of 3 kg):

Lamb Leg (bone in)
  ₱650 / kg
 NOW  ₱399 / kg


This offer is for a limited time only, until June 27 only.


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