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Escargot in Shell with Herb Butter

Monday, March 19, 2018

Chicka Ortega-BoutainChicka Ortega-Boutain“Simple is always the best.” That’s the motto of Alain Ducasse’s NYC bistro, Benoit, and the same saying goes in my kitchen. For this recipe, I use canned Escargot de Bourgogne or Burgundy snails, just like the restaurant recipe. With just a little assembly required, you’ll have yourselves a great dish that’s classic and authentically French.



36 Burgundy snails (out of shells) 
4 ounces finely minced shallots 
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped 
3 tbsp butter 
1 bunch fresh parsley, chopped
1 pound butter 
1 bunch of flat Italian parsley, chopped 
¼ bunch tarragon 
⅓ clove of garlic 
2 tbsp fine sea salt 
1 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
For Assembly: 
Gratin dish
Coquilles (empty snail shells)



Rinse the snails. Slowly sauté the snails in butter in low heat together with the shallots and garlic for 10 minutes. Add more garlic or shallots to your liking, and finish it up by adding fresh parsley.
Make sure the butter is in its soft form at room temperature. Prepare the parsley by removing the stems and washing. Peel and chop the garlic. With an eletric blender, mix the ingredients until smooth. Season to taste.
Arrange coquilles (snail shells) in a gratin dish. Place 1 snail in each shell and cover with the butter mixture up to the brim. Bake in the oven for around 7 minutes (preheated to 350ºF ), or until the butter is bubbling. Serve it together with a nice bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling or Chardonnay. Bon appetit!