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Chicken Tagine with olive

380g per bag
₱ 390

Chicken Tagine

Traditional slow-cooked dish with juicy chicken thighs, onions, olives, and spices. Rich and fragrant chicken stew with complex flavors and spices best-served for your dinner. A gourmet meal at the ready that only takes minutes to reheat.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil.

Immerse the frozen vacuum pack in simmering water.

Reheat for 15 minutes from the resumption of simmering, without boiling.

Chicken Thigh, onion, garlic, olives , Raz Hanout Spice 

Average Nutritional Values (serving size 100g)Per 100 g
Calories165 kcal
Total Fat8.4 g
Total Carbohydrates14.9 g
Protein7.3 g


Prepared in the Philippines by a French chef.

Keep frozen at -18°C before using.

Do not refreeze after defrosting.

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Product reviews for Chicken Tagine with olive

3/31/2022 5:33 PM
so flavorful, delicious, and gourmet. I hope there will be a variant for sharing.
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