Get ready to whip up this restaurant-worthy Italian specialty right in your own kitchen. Relish the flavors concentrated in the heart of the rice grain - creamy risotto with tender bites of chicken and earthy mushrooms, adding a savory depth. You'll love it!
60 g arborio-type round rice
300 ml skim milk
1 pack frozen French ceps
300 g chicken strips
1 onion
2 tbsp soy sauce
Warm the milk.
Wash mushrooms and cut into thin slices, cook as per instructions on the page.
Finely chop onion.
Cut chicken into thin strips.
Brown the onion with the chicken in a hot non-stick pan.
Add the raw rice. Stir well for about 3 minutes.
Pour some of the milk over the top. Cover with a lid. Lower the heat and wait for all the milk to be absorbed before gradually adding the rest.
Simmer until all the milk has been absorbed (about 20 minutes), adding all the pre-cooked mushrooms 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Leave to rest for 1 minute.
Season with soy sauce and pepper, and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Serve piping hot!