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Shrimp & Avocado Verrines

Thursday, June 11, 2020
Shrimp & Avocado Verrines

Try this recipe made by a dear friend and loyal patron of, Chef Christelle! Chef Christelle, originally from Switzerland is a photographer, martial artist and a passionate cook now based in Manila with her family.

Christelle is always looking for new, easy yet tasty ideas to feed her family. She loves having guests over for dinner and to try new things in culinary. She has taken the Culinary Art course from Ducasse Institute at Enderun in Manila and is excited to share great gourmet ideas to help you use items, to create masterpieces right at home!

For the shrimp:

1 pack Cooked Shrimp (White Vannamei)
1/2 pack cream cheese
1 large tbsp minced chive or spring onion
1/2 tbsp roasted paprika
1 drop olive oil
a pinch of Gomasio (sesame seeds with salt)
Mixed peppercorn
1/2 lemon, juiced

In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together.
Add shrimp to the mixture then refrigerate.

For the avocado:

1 big ripe avocado (or 2 small avocado halves)
a pinch of Cayenne pepper
1 large tbsp chopped coriander (cilantro)
a few drops of lemon juice 
Salt and pepper

Cut avocado into dice and place in a large bowl.
Mix all the ingredients together.

Dressing the terrine: 

Place first the avocado mix in the terrine as base.
Top with the layer of shrimp mix.
Garnish with cilantro leaf and a slice of lemon.
Serve and enjoy!