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3 Advantages of Frozen Fruits and Vegetables

Thursday, February 26, 2015

We have our great selection of high quality frozen fruits and vegetables that some of you loyal customers also know from Icebox, but did you know that frozen fruits and vegetables can be better than fresh ones?

Here are the advantages:

More nutrients and flavor - Fruits and vegetables are frozen when they are at their ripest. When they are flash-frozen right after harvest, and on premises at -20°C, the most amount of nutrients and flavors are preserved. Compare that to fresh broccoli, for example. Once it is cut, it sits in storage, transport, and supermarket displays for several days or even weeks. During that time, all the flavor and nutrients are fading fast. That is why the quality of frozen fruits and vegetables compared to store-bought fresh produce is better.

Longer shelf life - As long as the temperature is kept consistent in the freezer (i.e, little thawing and freezing cycles), frozen fruits and vegetables can last for several months, unlike fresh ones that have to be consumed within a few days.

Best value - For the flash-freezing process, fruits and vegetables are harvested when they are in season and therefore in abundance, which provides the best value for money.

If you want to know more on the studies on frozen vs. fresh food, here are a few links on this topic:

- United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

- Daily Mail